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Book Listing
Animals and Birds
Bird Friendly Garden, Stephen Moss
Bird Recognition Volume One, James Fisher
British Birds (Identification Guides), Mike Lambert and Alan Pearson
Fabre's Book of Insects, Mrs Rodolph Stawell
Guide to the Tropical Aquarium, Dick Mills
James Duncan's Butterflies, Jan Michael
Pet Birds, Cyril Rogers
The Batsford Colour book of Dogs
The Bird Watchers Guide to the Wetlands of Britain, M.A.Ogilvie
The Elements of New Testament Greek, J.W.Wenham
The Elements of New Testament Greek, J.W.Wenham
The Naturalist in South East England, S A Manning
The Wildlife Man, Barry Kaufmann-Wright
Thorburn's Birds, Edited by James Fisher
Thorburn's Mammals
Wildlife Begins at Home, Tony Soper
Art & Design
Edvard Munch 1863 - 1944, Ulrich Bischoff
GAUDI - An introduction to his architecture, Juan-Eduardo Cirlot
The Fundamentals of Drawing Portraits, Barrington Barber
Victorian Watercolours - Rural Life, Adrian Vincent
A Field-Marshal in the Family, Brian Montgomery
A Life on the Fiddle, Max Jaffa
Alan Clark Diaries : Into Politics (The long awaited Early Years), Edited by Ion Trewin
An Ambassador in Bonds, Sir Lancelot Oliphant
And Furthermore, Judi Dench
Bronwen Astor - her Life and Times, Peter Stanford
Chronicles Volume One, Bob Dylan
Harold Larwood, Duncan Hamilton
John Peel - A tribute to the much loved DJ and broadcaster, Mick Wall
Kill The Messenger, Bernard Ingham
King Edward VIII - His Life and Reign, Hector Bolitho
Lester Piggott, James Lawton
Marilyn (Norma Jeane), Gloria Steinem
Moon Dust - In Search of the men who fell to earth, Andrew Smith
Mother Teresa - Her people and her work, Desmond Doig
My Roman Lion, Renata Wrede
My Story - The Duchess of York, Her Father and Me, Lesley Player with Willam Hall
Our Admiral - a biography of the Admiral of the Fleet Earl Beatty, Charles Beatty
Passion is a Fashion - the real story of The Clash, Pat Gilbert
Princess Margaret, Christopher Warwick
Princess Margaret - A life of contrasts, Christopher Warwick
Richard by Kathryn, Kathryn Apanowicz
Riding to Jerusalem, Evelyn Coquet
Seconds Out of the Ring, Ingemar Johansson
Soul on the Street, William Roache
Terrace Legends, Cass Pennant and Martin King
The Life of Henry Fielding with notices of his writings, his times and his contemporaries, Frederick Lawrence
The Queen, Ann Morrow
Verdi, Franz Werfel (translated by Helen Jessiman)
War Memoirs of David Lloyd George
Children's Fiction (Classic & contemporary)
A Nursery Companion, Iona and Peter Opie
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll
Clarice Bean Spells Trouble, Lauren Child
Dear Mili, Wilhelm Grimm (translated by Ralph Manheim)
Dear Mili, Wilhelm Grimm (translated by Ralph Manheim)
Father Christmas goes on Holiday, Raymond Briggs
Forrest Wilson, Supergran is Magic
Judy Moody gets Famous, Megan McDonald
Megan McDonald, Judy Moody
Mice on Horseback (1948 reprint), Susan Tweedsmuir
Now We Are Six, A.A.Milne
Nursery Rhymes - Collins Wonder Colour Book
Oi! Get off our Train, John Burningham
Outside Over There, Maurice Sendak
Over The Bridge - An anthology of new poems, Edited by John Loveday
Peter the Penguin Pioneer, Daren King
Ponies in the Attic, Irene Makin
Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe
Spellbound, Anna Dale
The Adventures of Mr Toad (from the Wind in the Willows), Kenneth Grahame
The Anita Hewett Animal Story Book, Anita Hewett
The Boy who sailed with Columbus, Michael Foreman
The Coral Island, R.M.Ballantyne
The House at Pooh Corner, A.A.Milne
The House at Pooh Corner, A.A.Milne
The Incredible Journey, Sheila Burnford
The Machine Gunners (winner of the Carnegie Medal), Robert Westall
The Magic Duck, Dorothy King
The Orchard Book of Starry Tales, Geraldine McCaughrean
The Peppermint Pig, Nina Bawden
The Pistachio Prescription, Paula Danziger
The Princess and the Enchanter, Enid Blyton
The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Willows in Winter, William Horwood
The Wind in the Willows, Kenneth Grahame
Children's Annuals
Rupert Annual 1961
Rupert Annual 1963
Rupert Annual 1965
Rupert Annual 1967
Rupert Annual 1969
Rupert Annual 1970
A Knight on Wheels, Ian Hay
Elias Power, of Ease in Zion, Rev. J.M.Bamford
Fabre's Book of Insects, Mrs Rodolph Stawell
Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales
Martin the Skipper, James F.Cobb F.R.G.S
Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe
Show the Working (and other stories for young men and women), W.Kingstone Greenland (W.Scott King)
The Boy's Own Sea Stories
The Coral Island, R.M.Ballantyne
The Gorilla Hunters, R.M.Ballantyne
The Ingoldsby Legends, Richard Barham
The Iron Pirate, Max Pemberton
The Kopje Farm, William Johnston
The Passing of the Flagship (Ten tales of Royal Marines and Navy), Major W.P.Drury
The Pennywise Cookbook(Revised Edition), Lorna Walker
The Pilgrim's Progress, John Bunyan
The Windjammers, Oliver E.Allen
200 Super Soups, Sara Lewis
30 minute Italian - fast,creative Italian food, Fran Warde
A Taste of the Lake District in food and pictures, Theodora Fitzgibbon
Cake Decorating and Sugarcraft, Evelyn Wallace
Chinese Cookery, Ken Hom
Chinese Cooking, Caroline Ellwood
Chinese Food, Kenneth Lo
Chocolate - Deliciously indulgent recipes for chocolate lovers, Maxine Clark
Cooking with Chicken, Marguerite Patten
English Country House Cooking, Fortune Stanley
Fast Food - Real Food, Miriam Polunin
Food and Drink (Book 5)
Food as Presents, Patricia Holden White
Fresh and Fast : Meals from the Hob, Annette Yates & Norma Miller
Fresh from the Freezer, Marye Cameron-Smith
Greek Food, Rena Salaman
Mastering the Art of French Cooking - Volume 1, Simone Beck, Louisette Bertholle & Julia Child
Microwave Cookery Course, Celia Norman
New Classic Cuisine - The Roux Brothers
Olive Oil - Eat Better,Live Longer, Myrsini Lambraki
Out of the Freezer into the Microwave, Annette Yates
Practical Housecraft, Alice M.Atkinson
Recipes from around the world - Hot Puddings and Desserts
Scottish Fish Recipes, Compiled by Johanna Mathie
Soup for all Occasions - Recipes for Enjoying Life, New Covent Garden Food Co
Taste of Thailand, Kit Chan
The Cake Decorator's Companion, Felicity Clare
The Chef's Compendium of Professional Recipes, John Fuller & Edward Renold
The Microwave Planner, Annette Yates
The Pennywise Cookbook(Revised Edition), Lorna Walker
The Sportsman's Cookbook - Fish and Game, Mrs E.M.Walker
Warming Winter Favourites - Recipes from around the World
What's Cooking - Chocolate, Jacqueline Bellefontaine
Country Living
Old Wives' Lore for Gardeners, Maureen and Bridget Boland
Practical Housecraft, Alice M.Atkinson
The Elements of New Testament Greek, J.W.Wenham
The Elements of New Testament Greek, J.W.Wenham
The Naturalist in South East England, S A Manning
Victorian Watercolours - Rural Life, Adrian Vincent
Wild Flowers, Paxton Chadwick
Wildlife Begins at Home, Tony Soper
101 Things to Make - Fun with models, textiles, paper, print and paint, Juliet Bawden
Blizzard's Wizard Woodwork, Richard Blizzard
Creative Crafts - Gifts and Games, Joan Moloney
David Regester, Woodturning step-by-step
Every Kind of Patchwork
Knitting from start to finish, Angel Wilkes & Carol Garbera
Made with Paper, Florence Tenko
Marianne Ford, Copycats
McCalls Sewing in Colour
Origami and Papercraft - A step-by step guide, Paul Jackson and Vivien Frank
Papertec - How to make 25 original paper models, David Hawcock
Papier Mache project Book, Marion Elliot
Practical Knitting, Rae Compton
The Book of Crafts - W H SMith
The Coats Book of Soft Furnishings, Elaine Brumstead
The Complete Book of Babycrafts
The Complete Book of Needlecrafts, Caroline Ollard
The Complete Homemaker, Isabel Moore (editor)
The Fundamentals of Drawing Portraits, Barrington Barber
The Home Pattern Book of Needlecraft, Joan Fisher
The Oxfam Make-A-Gift Book, Rachel Edge
The Teddy Bear Craft Book
Wonders in Wood - The Art of the Woodturner
Crime & criminals, Law & lawyers( fiction/non fiction)
Aspects of Murder, Harold Dearden
Bernard Spilsbury (Granada Paperback), Douglas Browne & Tom Tullett
Call for the Dead, John Le Carre
Courts Day by Day (from, James A Jones
Crusade against Crime II, Jerry D.Lewis (editor)
Dod's Parliamentary Companion 1966
Dod's Parliamentary Companion 1967
Dying to Get Married (paperback), Ellen Harris
Famous Trials, The First Earl of Birkenhead
Famous Trials 10 - Final selection, Edited by James H.Hodge
Holy Deadlock, A.P.Herbert
Illustrations in Advocacy, Richard Harris KC
Inspector French's Greatest Case, Freeman Wills Crofts
Lady Killer, George Harmon Coxe
Moriarty, John Gardner
Murderers in our Midst, Stanley Firmin
Norman Birkett (The Life of Lord Birkett of Ulverston), H.Montgomery Hyde
The Country House Murders - Classic Stories of True Crime, Jonathan Goodman(Editor)
The Green Turtle Mystery, Ellery Queen Junior
The Peasenhall Murder, Edwin Packer
The Pursuit of Crime, Sir Ronald Howe CVO MC
True Crimes (Three stories), Goodwin, Barry, Logan
Bonjour Tristesse, Francoise Sagan
Delta of Venus, Anais Nin
Lucinda, My Lovely, Xaviera Hollander
One Hundred Strokes of the Brush before Bed, Melissa P.
Plaisir D'Amour - An Erotic Memoir of Paris in the 1920s, Anne-Marie Villefranche
Saturnalia, Zara Devereux
The Sexual Life of Catherine M., Catherine Millet
Everyday Yoga, Lyn Marshall
Simple Yoga Techniques, Rosamund Bell
T'ai Chi in a chair, Cynthia Quarta
4.50 from Paddington, Agatha Christie
A Knight on Wheels, Ian Hay
Barrack Room Ballads and other verses, Rudyard Kipling
Bonjour Tristesse, Francoise Sagan
Call for the Dead, John Le Carre
Diary of an Ordinary Woman, Margaret Forster
Flaunting Extravagant Queen, Jean Plaidy
Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales
Holy Deadlock, A.P.Herbert
Honey Ant/Sharpe's Rifles/Gift of Life/The Harrogate Secret, Kyle/Cornwell/Denker/Cookson
Inspector French's Greatest Case, Freeman Wills Crofts
Keys to the Street/Rose/White Viper/Anything Considered, Rendell/Smith/Strong/Mayle
Lourdes, Emile Zola
Martin the Skipper, James F.Cobb F.R.G.S
Miss Grace of All Souls - A story of the coalfield, W.E.Tirebuck
Moby Dick, Herman Melville
Mystic Isles of the South Seas, Frederick O'Brien
Northwest Passage, Kenneth Roberts
One Pair of Hands, Monica Dickens
Overlord/The Children's Game/A Kind of Magic/Tiger, Tiger, Hastings/Wise/Harris/Caveney
Plain Tales from the Hills, Rudyard Kipling
Puck of Pook's Hill, Rudyard Kipling
Queen Sheba's Ring, H.Rider Haggard
Robin of Sherwood, Major Charles Gilson
Sea Lord/Doctors/Gracie/The Lost Giants, Cornwell/Segal/Burns/Scholefield
Shadow in the Sands/The Cobra Event/No Regrets/The Marketmaker, Llewellyn/Preston/Adler/Ridpath
Show the Working (and other stories for young men and women), W.Kingstone Greenland (W.Scott King)
Sound of Wings/The Suitcases/Keys of the Kingdom/Callanish, Dunmore/Whitt/Cronin/Horwood
Star Circus, A.M,Lightner
Straight/Morning Glory/Touching the Void/The Negotiator, Francis/Spencer/Simpson/Forsyth
The Boy's Own Sea Stories
The Coral Island, R.M.Ballantyne
The Coral Island, R.M.Ballantyne
The Coral Island, R.M.Ballantyne
The Eleventh Commandment/Flight of Eagles/The Street Lawyer/False Pretences, Archer/Higgins/Grisham/Yorke
The English Assassin - A Romance of Entropy, Michael Moorcock
The Fire in the Stone, Colin Thiele
The Fist of God/St Agnes' Stand/Exposure/And the Violins Stopped Playing, Forsyth/Eidson/Anthony/Ramati
The Five Nations, Rudyard Kipling
The Gorilla Hunters, R.M.Ballantyne
The Incredible Journey, Sheila Burnford
The Ingoldsby Legends, Richard Barham
The Iron Pirate, Max Pemberton
The Jungle Book, Rudyard Kipling
The King's Own, Captain Marryat
The Kopje Farm, William Johnston
The Man in the Iron Mask, Alexandre Dumas
The Passing of the Flagship (Ten tales of Royal Marines and Navy), Major W.P.Drury
The Pilgrim's Progress, John Bunyan
The Seven Seas, Rudyard Kipling
The Wolf from the West - Tracing the Glorious Tragedy of Glyndwr, Eliot Crawshay - Williams
Third Twin/Wilderness of Mirrors/The Notebook/Trading Reality, Follett/Davies/Sparks/Ridpath
Traveller from Tokyo, John Morris
Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, Jules Verne
Unlikely Spy/The Outsider/The Little House/Esau, Silva/Williamson/Gregory/Kerr
Vet in Practice/Johnnie Alone/Wolf Winter/Nightshade/Anne Frank Remembered, Lasgarn/Webster/Francis/Murphy/Gies
Wildtrack/Winner/The English Eagles/Trespass, Cornwell/O'Donoghue/Slater/Finch
Foreign climes (Geography/History)
John Keay, India Discovered
My Roman Lion, Renata Wrede
An Easy Guide to Gardening, H.H.Thomas
Bird Friendly Garden, Stephen Moss
BULBS, H.G.Witham Fogg
Carnations for Everyman, Montagu C Allwood
Collins Guide to Roses, Bertram Park
England is a Garden - A wayfarer's companion, Catherine Hamilton
Every Day in my Garden, F.Hadfield Farthing
Garden Wisdom, Marion Cram
Gardening on Sand, Christine Kelway
Growing Under Glass, Kenneth A. Beckett
Old Wives' Lore for Gardeners, Maureen and Bridget Boland
Patio Gardening, Robert Pearson
Percy Thrower's Garden Notebook
Popular Hardy Perennials, T.W.Sanders
Saturday in my Garden, F.Hadfield Farthing
SHRUBS, J.R.B.Evison
The Flower Garden, Lance Hattatt
The Gardening Year, Lance Hattatt
The Good Health Garden (Growing and Using Healing Foods), Anne McIntyre
The Macdonald Encyclopaedia of Plants and Flowers, [Edited by] Frances Perry
The Rose Expert, Dr. D.G.Hessayon
The Tree and Shrub Expert, Dr. D.G.Hessayon
Trees and Shrubs for Small Gardens, David Papworth/Noel Prockter
Wild Flowers, Paxton Chadwick
Daily Telegraph Home Remedies, Dr James Le Fanu
Mind over Medicine - Can the mind kill or cure, Robin Blake
Olive Oil - Eat Better,Live Longer, Myrsini Lambraki
T'ai Chi in a chair, Cynthia Quarta
An Ambassador in Bonds, Sir Lancelot Oliphant
Between the Wars 1919-1938 - A Chronicle of Peacetime, (Daily Express)
History in Leicester 55BC - AD1900, Colin Ellis
Our Admiral - a biography of the Admiral of the Fleet Earl Beatty, Charles Beatty
The Bomber in World War 2, Alfred Price
The Wolf from the West - Tracing the Glorious Tragedy of Glyndwr, Eliot Crawshay - Williams
Tudor and Jacobean Tournaments, Alan Young
Twenty Shillings in the Pound, W.Macqueen Pope
War Memoirs of David Lloyd George
Watchers on the Longships, James Francis Cobb
Ladybird books
'How it Works' - The Aeroplane - A Ladybird Book, David Carey
A First Book of Saints, Hilda Rostron
A First Book of Saints, Hilda Rostron
A Ladybid 'Easy Reading' Book - People at Work - The Nurse, Vera Southgate & J.Havenhand
A Ladybird Book about Coarse Fishing, N Scott
A Ladybird Book about Stamp Collecting, Ian Finlay
A Second Book of British Birds and their nests, Brian Vesey-Fitzgerald
A Second Ladybird book of British Birds and their nests, Brian Vesey-Fitzgerald
Baby Jesus, Hilda Rostron
Book of Pets, George Cansdale
British Wild Flowers, Brian Vesey-Fitzgerald
Butterflies, Moths and other insects, S A Manning
Disney Pixar - A Bug's Life
Disney's First Readers - Winnie the Pooh - Bouncy Tigger
Hymns and Songs - revised edition, Irene Dark (composer)
Ladybird Basic Maths - Fun with Division, Roger and Mary Hurt
Ladybird Children's Classics - Little Women, Louisa M.Alcott
Ladybird Favourite Tales - The Big Pancake, Nicola Baxter
Ladybird Key Words Reading Scheme - 11B - The Carnival, William Murray
Ladybird Key Words Reading Scheme - 12A - The Holiday Camp Mystery, William Murray
Ladybird Key Words Reading Scheme - 2A - We Have Fun, William Murray
Ladybird Key Words Reading Scheme - 9A - Enjoying Reading, William Murray
Ladybird Key Words Reading Scheme - 9A - Games We Like, William Murray
Ladybird Learners - Dinosaurs, Bridget Daly & Michael Woods
Ladybird Well Loved Tales - Beauty and the Beastt, Vera Southgate
Ladybird Well Loved Tales - Hansel and Gretel, Joan Cameron
Ladybird Well Loved Tales - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Vera Southgate
Ladybird Well Loved Tales - The Little Mermaid, Enid King
Mick the Disobedient Puppy, Noel Barr
Moses, Prince and Shepherd, Lucy Diamond
Mr Badger to the Rescue, A.J.MacGregor
Piggly plays Truant - A Ladybird Book, A.J.MacGregor & W.Perring
Read With Me - The Dream - Ladybird Key Words Reading Scheme - Book 6, William Murray
Smoke and Fluff, A.J.MacGregor
The Circus Comes to Town - A Ladybird Book, Denis Constanduros
The Gingerbread Boy, Vera Southgate
The Hovercraft - How it works, E.S.Hayden
The Ladybird Book of British Railway Locomotives, D.L.Joiner
The Ladybird Book of Pets, George Cansdale
The Lord's Prayer & other prayers for children - A Ladybird Book, Hilda Rostron
The Parables of Jesus - The Kindly Traveller, Susan Dickinson
The Seashore and Seashore Life - A Ladybird Book, Nancy Scott
The Story of Joseph - a Ladybird Book, Lucy Diamond
The Story of our Canals, Carolyn Hutchings
Things We Do - Key Reading Scheme 4a, W. Murray
Thomas the Tank Engine & friends - Thomas & Bertie/Thomas down the Mine, Rev W Awdry
Toys and Games to Make, James Webster
Two Stories Jesus Told, Lucy Diamond
Walt Disney - Winnie the Pooh & the Blustery Day
Walt Disney - Winnie the Pooh - Tigger in Trouble
Walt Disney's Cinderella
Walt Disney's The Rescuers Down Under
Walt Disney\'s The Jungle Book
We Like to Help, W. Murray
Military history
An Ambassador in Bonds, Sir Lancelot Oliphant
Between the Wars 1919-1938 - A Chronicle of Peacetime, (Daily Express)
The Bomber in World War 2, Alfred Price
The Machine Gunners (winner of the Carnegie Medal), Robert Westall
The World's Greatest Submarines, Antony Preston
War Memoirs of David Lloyd George
Modern Paperback fiction - all at £1.50
Asking for Trouble, Elizabeth Young
Evening News, Marly Swick
First Wives Club, Olivia Goldsmith
Jazz, Toni Morrison
Patricia Cornwell, Post Mortem
Prodigal Summer, Barbara Kingsolver
The Death of Achilles, Boris Akunin
The Final Detail, Harlan Coben
The Help, Kathryn Stockett
The Lacuna, Barbara Kingsolver
The Shadow of the Wind, Carlos Ruiz Zafon
The Swan Thieves, Elizabeth Kostova
Venus Envy, Louise Bagshaw
War Horse, Michael Morpugo
Watching the Tree, Adeline Yen Mah
When We Were Orphans, Kazuo Ishiguro
A Life on the Fiddle, Max Jaffa
Chronicles Volume One, Bob Dylan
Get to know Music, J.Raymond Tobin
Harmony, Annie G.Warburton
Learn to Play the Guitar - A step by step guide, Nick Freeth
Passion is a Fashion - the real story of The Clash, Pat Gilbert
Pocket Guide to Language of Music, Wendy Munro
The First Book of the Great Musicians, Percy A Scholes
The New Everyman DIctionary of Music (Sixth edition), Eric Blom, revised by David Cummings
Verdi, Franz Werfel (translated by Helen Jessiman)
Observer Books
Observer's Book of FLAGS, I.O.Evans
Observer's Book of SEA & SEASHORE, I.O.Evans
The Observer's book of Birds, S.Vere Benson
The Observer's book of British Grasses, Sedges and Rushes, W J Stokoe
The Observer's book of British Wild Flowers, W J Stokoe
The Observer's book of Butterflies, W J Stokoe
The Observer's book of Cats, Grace Pond
The Observer's book of Cricket, Peter Smith
The Observer's book of Dogs, Sonia Lampson
The Observer's book of Flowering Trees and Shrubs for Gardens, Stanley B.Whitehead
The Observer's book of Golf, Tom Scott
The Observer's book of Grasses, Sedges and Rushes, Francis Rose
The Observer's book of Heraldry, Charles MacKinnon of Dunakin
The Observer's book of Music, Freda Dinn
The Observer's book of Unmanned Spaceflight, Reginald Turnbull
The Observer's book of Weather, Reginald M.Lester
The Observer's book of Wild Flowers, W J Stokoe
The Observers Book of Aircraft, William Green
The Observers Book of Roses, Michael Gibson
Poetry - classic and contemporary
100 Favourite poems of the Countryside, (Chosen by) Laurence Cotterell
Candy is Dandy - The best of Ogden Nash, Introduction by Anthony Burgess
Church Poems, John Betjeman
Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson
Evangeline and the Courtship of Miles Standish, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
John Betjeman's Collected Poems
Over The Bridge - An anthology of new poems, Edited by John Loveday
Poets in School, Edited by Alasdair Aston
Selected Poetry, W.B.Yeats
The Golden Treasury, Francis Palgrave
The Lady of the Lake, Sir Walter Scott
The Love Poems of John Donne
The Oxford Book of Christmas Poems
The Sonnets, William Shakespeare
When Wildflowers are in Bloom, Rae Turnbull
Readers Digest Condensed books
Honey Ant/Sharpe's Rifles/Gift of Life/The Harrogate Secret, Kyle/Cornwell/Denker/Cookson
Overlord/The Children's Game/A Kind of Magic/Tiger, Tiger, Hastings/Wise/Harris/Caveney
Sea Lord/Doctors/Gracie/The Lost Giants, Cornwell/Segal/Burns/Scholefield
Shadow in the Sands/The Cobra Event/No Regrets/The Marketmaker, Llewellyn/Preston/Adler/Ridpath
Sound of Wings/The Suitcases/Keys of the Kingdom/Callanish, Dunmore/Whitt/Cronin/Horwood
Straight/Morning Glory/Touching the Void/The Negotiator, Francis/Spencer/Simpson/Forsyth
The Edge/Walk in the Dark/Daddy/The India Fan, Francis/Stranger/Durand/Holt
The Eleventh Commandment/Flight of Eagles/The Street Lawyer/False Pretences, Archer/Higgins/Grisham/Yorke
The Fist of God/St Agnes' Stand/Exposure/And the Violins Stopped Playing, Forsyth/Eidson/Anthony/Ramati
Third Twin/Wilderness of Mirrors/The Notebook/Trading Reality, Follett/Davies/Sparks/Ridpath
Unlikely Spy/The Outsider/The Little House/Esau, Silva/Williamson/Gregory/Kerr
Vet in Practice/Johnnie Alone/Wolf Winter/Nightshade/Anne Frank Remembered, Lasgarn/Webster/Francis/Murphy/Gies
Wildtrack/Winner/The English Eagles/Trespass, Cornwell/O'Donoghue/Slater/Finch
A brief directory of Elementary Ceremonial chiefly Eucharist, Very Rev. T.I.Ball
Elias Power, of Ease in Zion, Rev. J.M.Bamford
Key to The Elements of New Testament Greek, Rev. H.P.V.Nunn
Mother Teresa - Her people and her work, Desmond Doig
PAUL, Martin Dibelius
The Catholic Religion - A Manual of instruction for members of the Anglican Church, Rev Vernon Stanley
The Elements of New Testament Greek, J.W.Wenham
The Gospel according to St Luke (Smaller Cambridge Bible for Schools), Frederic Farrar
The Holy Eucharist (The Church in Wales)
The Little Bible - selections for school and home
The New English Bible - New Testament
The New English Bible Companion to the Gospels, A.E.Harvey
The New Line upon Line, Edited by J.E.Hodder Williams
The New Testament - A new translation, James Moffatt
The New Testament in Modern English, J.B.Phillips
The Psalms - translated with text-critical & exegetical notes, W.O.E. Oesterley
The Revised Standard Version of the New Testament (illustrated)
The Riddle of the New Testament, Sir Edwyn Hoskyns and Noel Davey
The Story of St Paul's Life and Letters, J.Paterson Smyth
A Royal Duty, Paul Burrell
Elizabeth - 80 Glorious Years, Jennie Bond
Elizabeth Crowned Queen - The Pictorial Record of the Coronation
HRH The Princess Anne, Brian Hoey
King Edward VIII - His Life and Reign, Hector Bolitho
Majesty (Elizabeth and the House of Windsor), Robert Lacey
My Story - The Duchess of York, Her Father and Me, Lesley Player with Willam Hall
My Young Friends - The Queen's Young Family, Valerie Garner and Jayne Fincher
Princess Margaret, Christopher Warwick
Princess Margaret - A life of contrasts, Christopher Warwick
The Bodyguard's Story - Diana, the Crash and the Sole Survivor, Trevor Rees-Jones
The Queen, Ann Morrow
The Royal Children, Ian Digby
William and Harry - The People's Princes, Ingrid Seward
Science - Maths/Physics/Chemistry/Biology
A Dictionary of Biology, M.Abercrombie, C.J.Hickman, M.L.Johnson
New Biology 2, M.L.Johnson & Michael Abercrombie
Science Fiction
Homeworld, Harry Harrison
Star Circus, A.M,Lightner
Two Tales and Eight Tomorrows, Harry Harrison
Signed copies
The Wildlife Man, Barry Kaufmann-Wright
Space Travel
Moon Dust - In Search of the men who fell to earth, Andrew Smith
Ashes to Ashes, Keith Fletcher and Ivo Tennant
Best Cricket Stories, Chosen by E.W.Swanton
Championship Cricket - A review of County Cricket since 1945, Trevor Bailey
CRICKET DECADE - England vs Australia 1946-1956, J.M.Kilburn
Cricket from the Middle, Douglas Insole
Desert Orchid - The Story of a Champion, Jonathan Powell
Harold Larwood, Duncan Hamilton
Hit for Six, Gerald Brodribb
Horses in Training 1973, Sporting Chronicle
Jack Hobbs, Ronald Mason
John Arlott, The Australian Challenge
Learn Swimming in a Weekend, Sharron Davies
On Cricket, Michael Parkinson
Play Better Golf, John Durward
Seconds Out of the Ring, Ingemar Johansson
Swimming, John Verrier
Terrace Legends, Cass Pennant and Martin King
Testament of a Runner, W.R.Loader
The Archie Moore Story, Archie Moore
The English Gentleman's Good Fishing Guide, Douglas Sutherland
The Gloves are Off, Godfrey Evans
The Phoenix History of Cricket, Roy Webber
The Practical Guide to Coarse Angling, Alan Wrangles
The World According to Bumble - Start the Car, David Lloyd (the legendary cricket commentator)
Way of Cricket, Richie Benaud
With the West Indies in Australia 1960-1961, A.G.Moyes
Topography (towns and cities)
Highways and Byways in Leicestershire, J B Firth
History in Leicester 55BC - AD1900, Colin Ellis
London - Collins Holiday Guide, Christopher Trent
Suffolk For Ever, Celia Jennings
A Source Book of Locomotives, B.Reed
Autobooks Owners workshop Manual - Austin Maxi, Leyland Maxi
Autobooks Owners workshop Manual - Marina 1.3, 1.8 1971-75
Autobooks Owners workshop Manual - Renault 4 - 1961-1979
Book of Ships - the exciting story of sea-going craft through the ages, Peter Eldin
Britain's Small Railways
Haynes Owners Workshop Manual - Rover 213 & 216 - 1984 to 1989, Peter G Strasman
Haynes Owners Workshop Manual Fiat 131 Mirafiori 1975 to 1982, J.H.Haynes and Colin Barge
Haynes Owners Workshop Manual Ford Cortina Mk IV 1976 to 1982, J.H.Haynes
Haynes Owners Workshop Manual Ford Granada & Scorpio 1985 to 1994, Matthew Minter & Mark Coombs
Haynes Owners Workshop Manual Ford Sierra (4 cyl.petrol) 1982 to 1992, Steve Rendle
Haynes Owners Workshop Manual Morris Marina 1.3 1971 to 1978, J.H.Haynes and B.L.Chalmers-Hunt
Haynes Owners Workshop Manual Morris Marina 1.8 1971 to 1974, J.H.Haynes and B.L.Chalmers-Hunt
Haynes Owners Workshop Manual Renault 5 - 1972 to 1979, J.H.Haynes and Tim Parker
Haynes Owners Workshop Manual Skoda Estelle 1977 to 1980, I M Coomber
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Haynes Owners Workshop Manual Vauxhall Astra 1980 to Oct 1984, Peter G Strasman
Haynes Owners Workshop Manual Vauxhall Cavalier 1981 to 1983, Peter G Strasman
Haynes Owners Workshop Manual Volvo 740 and 760 (petrol) 1982 to 1989, Matthew Minter
Haynes Service & repair manual - Ford Escort and Orion - Sept 1990 to 2000 Petrol
Haynes Service & repair manual - Ford Granada & Scorpio March 1985-94, Matthew Minter & Christopher Rogers
Haynes Service & repair manual - Rover 820, 825 & 827 - 1986-1995, J S Mead
Haynes Service & repair manual - Vauxhall Astra & Belmont - Oct 1984-Oct 1991, Matthew Minter & Mark Coombs
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The Complete Book of Locomotives, Colin Garratt
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